Software Lifecycle

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Software is alive! It’s born, its built, its tested, then its released. Throughout the life of the software, it is improved upon. Improvements could be new features, bug fixes, cosmetic changes, etc. Each improvement goes through its own lifecycle. The improvement is born, built, tested and released. The life of software is cyclic until it reaches the end of its life. Today we will be talking about the life of software. We call the life of software the Software Development Lifecycle, or SDLC. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a good grasp into the processes that make up the life of software. The SDLC I think the best was to visualize the SDLC is to see it, visually. The image above describes the common theme in the different methodologies. Basically an idea is fed into the SDLC’s Requirement Analysis phase. This is where requirements are gathered and the idea is scoped into a project. From there, business people, developers, etc., design the system. Once a design is completed and everyone knows what is going to be built, it is handed off to a developer to implement. After the developer is finished, it is tested by others to ensure...